Tag: halloween costumes ideas for women
Comments Off on Fairy Tale / Geographical Costumes
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Halloween costumes
Fairy Tales / Geographical Costumes
The brothers Grimm wrote many fairy tales, and most are depicted by costumes of their country of origin (Germany) at the time they penned their works. Usually, these costumes are peasant costumes of the period. Hansel and Gretel come to mind. Sometimes royalty serves well. How many Princesses are there out there?
There are some fairy tale costumes that don’t necessarily fit a period or geographical location, though; such as ‘Red Riding Hood’. Of course, a wolf as in the ‘Big Bad Wolf’ is common to many countries and many periods in history. And Beasts abound throughout history.

But not all geographical costumes need to be from fairy tales. Some can be taken from movies or a Broadway show, like “Sayonara” or “Sound of Music”.
Some don’t have to be associated with anything at all. Just pick a country, any country, and adapt a costume. If you are Scottish, then a kilt, shirt, and sporran might be just the costume you want to wear to your Halloween costume party. Some clothing costumes are indigenous to countries and locales such as a Muumuu costume from Africa, or a hula skirt from Hawaii.

Again, geography, history, movies and theatre and literature can be intermixed. The possibilities are endless.
Comments Off on Costumes! Personality Plays a Part
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Halloween costumes
Personality Plays a Part!
Under the guise of a mask, makeup or a costume, you can be your own alter ego.
Are you the quiet, shy, retiring type? Are you happy to be in the background; but yet yearning to be the life of the Halloween party? Perhaps a hot, peppery Spanish dancer with a hint of cleavage, and a rose between your teeth. Or Lorelei, the siren of the seas, luring sailors with her hypnotic voice? Perhaps a Saloon Girl from the bawdy West or Mae West, a bawdy lady from the movies? And not to forget Scarlett O’Hara.

Are you an outgoing, Type A personality who always draws attention, no matter the venue? Wearing a costume that is opposite your personality is an option. Going as Sister Mary, or as a virginal ‘Marian the Librarian’ (from ‘The Music Man’). Comedy, ala a pairing with your significant other, as in a pair of jailbirds; or Rag Dolls like ‘Raggedy Ann and Andy’. Or opposites as in Satan and a beautiful angel? Laurel and Hardy make a great cinematic and party team.
Who are you or who do you want to be?
Comments Off on Transparency and a Disclaimer
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Transparency and a Disclaimer
Oops! This should have been published a month ago. Anyhow, this is our disclaimer.
Beginning shortly, we will begin to process some thoughts that will help you make a decision as to what you might want to wear to your Halloween costume party.
In the meantime, you might want to simply visit one of our ‘sponsors’ Just click on ads in the right column or the tab above which says ‘Amazon Costume Store’ and you will find many, many costumes; and the one you are looking for will probably be there. At this time, availability as to quantity, size and whatever other parameters you might use should be there. In two-three weeks, who knows? OK, enough on the blantant sale pitch. Also we get a commission on every Amazon sale that is made through us. You are not buying FROM us, but rather through Amazon. Is that enough transparency?

Comments Off on Halloween Costumes! Where to start? Start here!
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Halloween costumes
Halloween Costumes! Where to start? Start here!
Guest Author: Paul Writer
People love costumes, love to dress up and become someone else for a short time. How do you go about picking costumes? Also, do you buy costumes or just rent them? You will find the answers to these questions right here.
There are essentially 3 different routes you can follow when you need costumes. There’s D.I.Y, buying and renting options. Picking the best one for you will depend heavily on your budget, creativity and possible sewing machine prowess. With hiring, you may only have a limited stock to choose from and they may not be particularly original. Added to that, if you go for hired, you need to return the costume in the same condition as it started.
Another dimension to the buy, sell, or do it yourself is the addition of children. If the reason for buying costumes is it’s a kids fancy dress party for children. If are not very good with a needle and a thread or with a sewing machine, the one of the other 2 options are still open.
Costume Available through BuyCostumes.com. See ad in Right Column
With children’s costumes, you are probably best going ahead and finding one to buy. Because if you chose rented, you will have to return it, and, children are less likely to keep their costumes dirt and stain free. If you are good with needles, you may consider to do it yourself, this would be a fun and educational way for the children to learn some homely skills.
Due to the increase of online websites, many people buy online, or visit a store that has a website, to buy their costumes. It may mean that you spend a lot of money on something you only wear once. The positives are that you don’t have to worry about returning it, you may have a wider range of choice and therefore a choice from more creative and original costumes.
Choosing the right costume for you depends on the occasion. If there is a particular theme to the party to the party you are going to, then you would want to come over as a good sport. If it’s a western theme for example, you wouldn’t dress as an alien or space ranger. At the same time, it can be a challenge if it’s just a fancy dress party with no theme. Remember to kit your costumes out with helpful accessories, such as masks, hats and cutlasses!!
Don’t limit yourself, it has to be a costume in which you feel comfortable. If you are intending on dancing, then it would be appropriate that there was ways to deal with extras and wings and stuff. Overall, don’t sweat the decision. It’s good that you are choosing from costumes for the party. Some people go shy, and don’t want to do those things. At least you are having a go!
So yes, there are things to take into consideration when looking for costumes. Once you have decided whether to buy, rent or make. The next step is to accessories and then, all that is left for you to do is – have fun in your wondrous choice of costumes!
AUTHOR: Paul Writer, from the UK, is the author of this piece.
Comments Off on Looking for Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids?
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Halloween costumes
Looking for Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids?
More than likely, the child will tell you what they want to be, but if they don’t…watch what they watch on the Saturday morning cartoons, or perhaps another show that they seem to be fond of. Maybe they’ll see something in a magazine. If not, most costumers know what is age appropriate as well as what is most popular.
Start thinking now and make your decision early in October. Take it from a (very) old costumer. That’s me.
Images courtesy of BuyCostumes.com. Click here or see ad in right column.

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Halloween costumes
Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids

Costumes are available at BuyCostumes.com. See ad in right column.
It’s September and you don’t want to be left out. Last year, the Angry Birds were one of the most popular costumes for kids, and somewhat popular with adults as well. They sold out early.
My 7 year old grandson goes through phases (Blue’s Clue’s followed by Mario Brothers, followed by Spongebob, etc.) and he took a strong interest in Angry Birds last year. Who knows what will be his fav this year, but whatever it is, I don’t want to wait until they are sold out.
For more on Halloween costumes for boys and girls and teens and adults as well, visit us at http://www.costumescostumescostumes.net
Comments Off on Halloween Costumes for 4 Year Old Boys
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Halloween costumes
Costumes for 4 Year Old Boys
This is an article from the same author that penned the ‘Halloween Costumes for 13 Year Olds’. Will there be more in this series?
BTW, the young children in the pic are a buit younger than 4. In the meantime, visit us at http://www.costumescostumescostumes.net
Image by juhansonin via Flickr
Halloween is almost upon us. From pretty to very scary, there are Halloween Costumes for children of all ages. If you want to hunt down the greatest Halloween Costumes for 4 Year Old Boys, you should do the prep work needed. Continue reading to learn more! When shopping for Halloween Costumes, it can be quite a challenge to locate the funniest outfits and costumes. Lucky for you, we have done the work for you of costumes for 4 Year Old Boys. Take a look below, and you will have a good idea of…More at Halloween Costumes for 4 Year Old Boys | Mallasch Meta Blog
Comments Off on Halloween Costumes for 13 Year Olds
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Halloween costumes
Halloween Costumes for 13 Year Olds
Now that Halloween season is just around the corner (I use the day after Labor Day as the Halloween kickoff date since our firm was stocked and ready to go by then), it might be time to prepare your 13, or maybe 5 year old for the season. For more on Halloween costumes, visit us at http://www.costumescostumescostumes.net
Image by epSos.de via Flickr
If you make the decision to look for the greatest 2012 Halloween Costumes for 13 Year Olds, you better prepare yourself for the quest. That spooky time of year is coming soon. When it comes to 13 Year Olds, it can be terribly difficult to find the must-have outfits. Lucky for you, here at Top Toys Blog, we have done all the hard work for you of all types of Halloween costumes for 13 Year Olds. From cute to serious, we have a great selection of 2012 Halloween Costumes for all the people on your Halloween shopping list. Ready to get started? Halloween costumes do not need to be a hassle! Keep reading to find the best Halloween costume for…More at 2012 Halloween Costumes for 13 Year Olds | Mallasch Meta Blog
Comments Off on Star Trek Latex Costumes
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Halloween costumes
Star Trex Latex Costumes
I have a hunch these will be released too late to be imitated for the Halloween season, but they are pretty cool (or is it hot?), aren’t they? Latex, though, is essentailly a very hot (not as in popularity) and uncomfortable material to wear skintight…or even loosely.
For more on Halloween costumes, visit us at http://www.costumescostumescostumes.net

“Latex and Star Trek costumes obviously go together. Wow. Poison Candy Latex released these images to tease their new line of pop culture latex outfits; they …fashionablygeek.com/…/seriously-sexy-latex-star-trek-costume…”
Comments Off on Fashionable Plus Size Costumes
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Plus Size Costumes
Fashionable Plus Size Costumes
There are a number of sources for Plus Size Halloween costumes, to include our own ‘advertisers’. See the ad in the right column, click on, and enter ‘plus size costumes’ in the search box. Lots of choices and at varying prices.
“I am a mom. I like to look for our Halloween costumes early. Last year was the first year I dressed up since childhood. This year, I wanted something timeless.mamascoolthings.com/…/a-fashionable-plus-size-halloween-co…”

Visit us at http://www.costumescostumescostumes.net for more ideas and information