More Movie Character Costume Ideas.

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More Movie Character Costume Ideas. 

Yesterday we left you hanging.  No real ideas, but only a few general directions. 

From the silent movies and into the 1930’s came some  of the best scariest flicks. Maybe it was because of the black and white, and the poor quality of the film, but

Nosferatu (the original Dracula) was one of the better horror movies.  Lon Chaney was excellent in Phantom of the Opera and  Hunchback of Notre Dame.  Of course, following ‘Nosferatu’ was a series of vampire movies starring Bela Lugosi.  And don’t forget the Frankenstein movies with Boris Karloff.  

The thirties produced stars such as Nelson Eddy (as a Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman) and Jeanette McDonald in ‘Rosemarie’, a musical.  The gangster movies were in their prime with the likes of Edward G. Robinson and James Cagney.

Later in the decade, colorization became more commonplace especially with a couple of blockbusters like “The Wizard of Oz” and “Gone With The Wind”.  Keeping in mind the Wizard costumes are copyrighted, wouldn’t  Dorothy, Toto, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion be a great group costume?  Of course, Scarlett and Rhett are basically period costumes and not quite so readily identifiable.

The forties produced a lot of war films, and of course the ongoing gangster and private detective movies.

Most of the movies and characters from the 40s movies would have worn what we now call ‘vintage’ clothing.  So a trip to a vintage shop might be in order. 


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