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Tinker Bell Costume Rejected at Disney
Hmmm…to paraphrase something I heard a long time ago: I wonder what Walt would have done?
“(April Spielman) A Tampa bay area teen and her boyfriend are in shock after being forced to take off the costumes they were wearing at Walt Disney World. By Dalia Dangerfield, A Tampa bay area teen and her boyfriend are in shock after being forced to …Bay News 9”
For more on costumes, visit us at http://www.costumescostumescostumes.net
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Costumes for Dogs Video
Came across this video and thought it was cute and funny. It’s a little early to be thinking about Halloween (or is it?), especially for your pet, but here it is anyhow.
We will probably do great cat costumes in our next video, possibly next week.
For more information about costumes for humans, visit us at http://www.costumescostumescostumes.net
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Renaisssance History, Costumes and Clothing
The history of renaissance clothing dates back to early 1940’s, where it started with a single nation and then spread throughout the world creating a big impact. However the renaissance costumes were in a stage of evolution during this period when the Germans made an improvement in the natural silhouette. They liked to put bulk of large puffs all over from their head, thighs, arms, back and chest. Also they used feathers to accessorize their whole costume. This stage was followed with more and more discoveries making the renaissance costume more and more creative. These costumes were generally available in dark colors, with the black velvet mostly used for the head dresses. White linen was used with gold and burgundy colored pirate shirt and with collar and wrist ruffles.
When there was an important event, the rich people used to wear an expensive sort of a garb and the ones who cannot afford such garbs wore a usual one.
Renaissance clothing for male included a variation between a low crowned brimmed cap which sometimes was one side turned up or turned up all around. The most usual hairstyle was bobbed. The length and style of the hair depended on their own tastes. During the 16th century men preferred hair similar to the men today in the 21st century.
The women medieval clothing for female had variation…More at About Renaissance Clothing – We Are The Geordies
Image by ExperienceLA via Flick
The Renaissance movement as described in this article probably went back into the 30’s rather than the 40’s, and perhaps even earlier than that (as per a photo that I came across recently). The movement is well established now, and in fact, our area will be holding it’sr annual event shortly. It’s great to see so many enthusiasts that do this type of thing. For more information about costumes or costuming, please visit us at
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Renaissance Costume Designer
Renaissance Costume Designer on TV…More at Julia Soares McCormick :Renaissance Costume Designer on TV …
Image by ExperienceLA via Flickr
This was an interesting interview with an interesting lady who makes Medieval, Renaissance, Tudor, and Elizabethian costumes. I can’t see the quality of her sewing from the video, but I can tell she is exceptional as to design, pattern, precision as to staying historically accurate. I would love to see some of her closeup.
BTW, the dress in the photo above is not one of Julia Soares McCormick’s work.
For more on costumes, visit us at http://www.costumescostumescostumes.info
Comments Off on Costumes and Makup
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When displaying character with costume and Halloween makeup, people generally run into an issue like not making any impression. Mot making any impression can be caused by not applying the right costumes or make up. This is because dressing up as certain character can only make a great impression if wearing the right costume and putting up the proper make up. To apply Halloween make up ideas, you’ll require applying the proper make up techniques and costume. The right Halloween make up techniques requires the right combination of makeup product, and also shades for evil look. Additional important elements when displaying character with costume and Halloween makeup are prosthetics, and also make up base….More at Halloween Makeup tips and guide | Kate Beauty Tips
Image by laihiu via Flickr
As we have done the past post or two, we are sticking with what elements are essential for your costumes, including the costume itself (and all the things that need to be considered), the prosthetics, if any; and the makeup. The type of makeup, the application of the makeup and the lighting and distance from where you will be observed are all key ingredients in the costume. This article delves into some of these elements.
For more information on costumes and all their related parts, visit us at http://www.costumescostumescostumes.net
Comments Off on Creating Costumes For a Play
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Costumes are an essential part of any stage production. Unless you’re planning to put on Paradise Lost or a nudist version of a popular play, you pretty much have to get your actors some clothes.
When designing costumes, there are four main things to consider. First, the costumes need to fall in with the general look and feel of the play. Nothing is worse than an outfit that sticks out like a sore thumb. Second, a costume must help the actor create the character. In many ways our clothes define who we are and on stage they are meant to give the audience visual cues as to what to expect. Third, when creating costumes, comfort has to be taken into account. Actors need to be comfortable to move about, breathe and speak freely. And last, but not least, there is the budget to consider.
Chemical Imbalance: A Jekyll and Hyde Play is set in a fictional pseudo-Victorian London. That was fortunate since this setting allowed us to take a lot of liberties with costumes….More at Dressing the Stage: Costumes of Chemical Imbalance « Thespians …
Don’t you love the title of this post? Clever wordplay, wouldn’t you say?
There is so much involved in the costuming of a play. The costume design must fit the character being portrayed. The fabric needs to historically reflect the period and character, along with the colors. This article explains some of what goes into the thinking and planning of the costuming for a period play. For more information about costumes, visit us at http://www.costumescostumescostumes.net
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The world of costuming is all-inclusive. it seems. I know a great deal about most areas of the costume business, but never knew the history of the tutu. Here’s something I found that might be of interest to you. The Ballet Tutu In History | Archaeology Works
www.archaeoworks.org3/13/11 Over time tutus have been developed from their original design and branched off into many different forms and designs. From different kinds of fabrics, shapes and even weight of the tutus, these costumes are universally recognized all … designed for dance costumes. The costumes then were big and heavy, which limited the ballerina’s movement. In 1661 King Louis XIV took the costumes from the court onto the stage when he began and developed the Academic Royale de Danse. More on costumes and other related things at: costumescostumescostumes.net
Comments Off on Is Stage Makeup Better Than Regular Makeup?
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When I was in business, this question was asked many times, and the answer was always the same from our perspective. The chemistry might be the same, but the end purpose is much different. Stage makeup needs to be exaggerated to be seen by a person in the last row of a theatre while street makeup is comparatively sublime.
Is Stage Makeup Better Than Regular Makeup? | News Issues Trends
newsissuestrends.com3/16/12 Based on the ingredients used in stage makeup it looks like the answer is “sometimes not different at all,” “sometimes a little different,” and “sometimes a lot different.” Hows that for a definitive response? Well at the risk of …
Interesting how one sees a few people who apply their street makeup so thickly that they appear to be clownish. I’m sure that’s not the result they had in mnind as they applied their makeup. For more information on costusmes and related topics, visit us at
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I’m not sure that I would call this stage makeup, as such, but there are a number of stage makeup techniques that are used in the photographs in this article.
Stage Makeup and Liquid Latex | ipHouse Blog
www.iphouse.com11/5/10 I know October has passed us by and now we are dipping our toes into November but, I did have a grand October. I was able to be in costume twice in one month.
I find it interesting as to with a little (or lot ) of makeup and under the right lighting, and with a fair distance how much one’s appearance can appear to be altered. For more inform ation about clostumes and lother related topics, visit us at
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It’s Time tо Ρlаn Υоur Junе Masquerade Wеddіng
Βу Ѕеrеnа Μаѕоn
Μоѕt couples plаnnіng thеіr wedding оftеn wіѕh that thеіr wеddіng will аlwауѕ bе remembered bу thеіr guests аѕ wеll. For thіѕ rеаѕоn, there hаѕ bееn a rіѕе іn the numbеr оf couples whо аrе choosing mаѕquеrаdе wеddіngѕ. It cеrtаіnlу іѕ a unіquе wау of cеlеbrаtіng а hallmark mоmеnt nоt just fоr thе couple but fоr the guеѕtѕ, tоо.
Ιn typical wеddіngѕ, guеѕtѕ are mеrе wіtnеѕѕеѕ for thе cоuplе. Most guеѕtѕ іn a wеddіng wіll just bе quіеtlу seated аt thеіr designated tаblе. Αlthоugh they wіll еnjоу the fооd аnd the ѕmаll tаlk, the оnlу rеаl enjoyment аnd fun will оnlу cоmе during dаncе аt the rеcеptіоn. Τhе only оthеr tіmе that оthеr pеоplе will hаvе pаrtіcіpаtіоn is whеn а handful оf pеоplе will bе tоаѕtіng the cоuplе. Wіth masquerade wеddіngѕ, еvеrуоnе becomes а pаrt of thе еvеnt.
Τhеrе is nоthіng tоо silly оr tоо frolicsome wіth mаѕquеrаdе weddings. Wіth еvеrуоnе in costume, nоbоdу can gеt аccuѕеd of mаkіng а huge fаѕhіоn fаux pas іn ѕuch a fоrmаl еvеnt. As wіth tуpіcаl weddings, thе ѕаmе rule аpplіеѕ – never upѕtаgе thе couple, mоѕt оf all thе brіdе. Leave thе ѕhаdеѕ of whіtеѕ аnd creams tо thе couple аnd thе big fеаthеrѕ, tоо. Keep іn mіnd that іt іѕ their mоmеnt еvеn if thе thеmе calls fоr frіvоlіtу. Masquerade wеddіngѕ аrе a unіquе wау of cеlеbrаtіng thіѕ kind оf еvеnt in thеѕе mоdеrn times. Νоt а lot оf еffоrt has tо bе exerted juѕt tо keep guеѕtѕ еntеrtаіnеd. The cоѕtumеѕ аnd the mаѕkѕ аrе conversational pіеcеѕ іn themselves fоr guеѕtѕ to tаlk аbоut.
Αѕ with tуpіcаl wеddіngѕ, careful plаnnіng аnd adequate prеpаrаtіоnѕ аrе needed tо cоmе up wіth а seamless еvеnt. Ρrеpаrаtіоnѕ can bе оvеrwhеlmіng and оftеntіmеѕ ѕtrеѕѕful for thе brіdе-tо-bе. This іѕ whеrе professional wеddіng plаnnеrѕ become hаndу. Τhеу’ll be аblе tо take thе hеаdаchеѕ and tеnѕіоn аwау. They wіll hаvе great іdеаѕ аnd sources fоr vеnuе set-up, mеnu chоіcеѕ, cakes, аnd оthеr essential thіngѕ fоr masquerade wеddіngѕ. Τhе bride аnd grооm may wеаr, but not lіmіt thеmѕеlvеѕ to, thеаtrіcаl cоѕtumеѕ. Some wоuld оpt for аn hаutе couture gоwn оr outfit. Βеjеwеllеd аnd feathered Vеnеtіаn mаѕkѕ covering juѕt hаlf of thе fаcе will cоmplеmеnt thеѕе types tо а T. Ιn mаѕquеrаdе weddings, thе mоrе intricate thе cоuplе’ѕ masks аrе thе better. Ѕоmе brіdеѕ, though, wіll prеfеr a mаѕk оn a ѕtіck.
Τhеrе аrе numerous wеbѕіtеѕ ѕpеcіаlіzіng in іtеmѕ thаt can bе uѕеd for а mаѕquеrаdе wedding ѕuch аѕ costumes, mаѕkѕ, pаrtу kits, іnvіtаtіоnѕ, аnd other іtеmѕ rеlаtеd to mаѕquеrаdе. Wеddіngѕ will bе а lot mоrе mеmоrаblе for а lоt more pеоplе whо had rеаl fun just bу bеіng a pаrt оf the еvеnt.
For more information about costumes, visit us at