What to look for in buying your new Santa Claus Wig and Beard set.
In a later video, we will discuss the cleaning, dressing, care and storage of your new set. In the meantime..Ho!!..Ho!!..Ho!!
What to look for in buying your new Santa Claus Wig and Beard set.
In a later video, we will discuss the cleaning, dressing, care and storage of your new set. In the meantime..Ho!!..Ho!!..Ho!!
more...Your Santa suit. Choosing the Best Fabric.
What to look for in fabric and still stay within your budget. Here’s the video that will tell all.
What do you look for when you are buying a new Santa suit, and what is included in most Santa suit kits? Appearance is critical, but you need ALL the component parts as well, and sometimes the wig and beard is not included. I bought a new Santa Suit today. And here is a video of the Santa suit and the component parts that were included.
Buying a New Santa Costume?
It’s early, I know.
But it might be time to start thinking about your new SANTA COSTUME. The old one is getting frayed at the edges and it’s obviously seen way too many chimneys. Hmmm…is that a crumb? And what about that stain? Are they the remains of a cookie and spilled milk from a Christmas past?
All new Santa outfits should include a jacket, pants, and a hat; as well as a belt and boot tops (fake boots ala boot covers). A wig and beard may or may not be included with the costume.
Santa costumes are available at our AMAZON COSTUME STORE (click tab below banner)
The cost of the suits will vary considerably due to the quality of the fabric and trimming. If a wig and beard are included, that too will be a factor. Cloth suits are usually quite inexpensive, and of course, the plush suits are quite pricey, comparatively speaking. The quality of the white trim around the collar, down the front and on the bottom of the sleeves will also help dictate the price.
You’re on a budget, you say? As a lifetime professional costumer, I suggest that you buy the absolute best quality Santa beard and wig that you can afford, and the least priced suit; if money is an issue. A good Santa wig and beard will enhance a lesser quality suit; while a cheap wig and beard will substantially diminish the appearance of a good suit. You can always upgrade the suit in a number of ways at a later time.
Children will be looking at the hair and beard, not the suit; if they are looking at all. What are the attributes of a good Santa outfit and Santa beard and wig? Stay tuned, boys and girls.
More to Follow!!
Note that Santa suits usually DO NOT include the wig and beard nor other accessories like glasses, gloves, etc. These suits are in the middle of the price scale….while others are higher and still others are less.
Stage and Theatre Makeup! For Christmas and All Year Round!
Stage makeup is more than lathering on a heavy layer of grease paint or pancake; or applying your mascara on heavier than usual, so that you aren’t washed out looking under the bright lights on stage.
Stage makeup might include making a ‘Rudolph’ nose out of nose putty or adding prosthetic ears for one of Santa’s elves, or anything else that might be ‘face-altering’ so as to achieve a specific look.
Some brands of stage makeup are better than others. Most stage makeup is Hypo-Allergenic (but check the label to be certain). In our former life in the brick and mortar costume retail business, we sold ‘Mehron’ and ‘Ben Nye’ brands, along with a couple that no longer exist.
For a general makeup book, you might want to review ‘Stage Makeup’ by Richard Corson. Hopefully you can find it at your local library, as it is a little pricey.
more...Stage and Theater Makeup! And ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas’
Before we move onto the Thanksgiving and Christmas season, let us pause and make mention of the paid commercial ad at the top of this page. Theatrical and Stage Makeup.
How does this apply to Christmas?
“His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!“
Unless Santa has belted down a few and has achieved this color naturally, he might need a tad of rouge and lipstick. ‘Easy’, you say, as you reach into your purse and locate the exact colors needed. Problem solved.
A big bushy Santa beard and wig in a shade of very light gray or white can be offset by a pair of black eyebrows. If Santa’s hair is white, so then should be his eyebrows. White is a little less likely to be had from the nearest purse, and a trip to the local costume shop might be needed to pick up an easily removable white makeup. But before you make that trip, also think about Santa glasses, white gloves and maybe a set of jingle bells.
The Best and Worst Costumes of 2012
Does anyone really care who wore the best costumes and the worst costumes this past Halloween? This article tells all (or some of it at least). For more on costumes, visit us at www.costumescostumescostumes.net
“Check out the best and worst Halloween costumes worn by celebrities in 2012!Famecrawler”
Welcome to The New Year…2011
Santasuits.com. whose ad appears in the right column.
(And keep tuned for a little information on the care, cleaning and storage of your Santa suit , probably next week)
Famous Couples Costumes
What exactly is a famous couple? Oh! You mean like Henry XIII and whatever wife he was married to in any given year? Or Sonny and Cher? Adam and Eve, of course, is the original first famous couple. A couple (or a few) fig leaves for the couple is all you need. A new and refreshing idea, yet millions of years old, inexpensive and likely not to be on your costumer’s shelf for sale. Find a tree, find a few leaves and have a pot of paste handy. And talk about sexy!!!
Costumes shown above are available at Annie’s Costumes. Annie’s ad appears as ‘Halloween Costumes’ in column to the right of this article.
Famous couple are not always famous couples in the boy-girl sense. Paired costumes could also be like Laurel and Hardy, King Kong and Fay Wray, or a Keystone Cop and Convict from the silent movies. A Beer Bottle and a Beer Bottle Opener.
Pairs, but not necessarily couples.
Christmas is only 1 day away!
NO, It’s Today!
Christmas is now here, with its array of costumed characters. Of course, Santa is our December star, but he needs a lot of help from Mrs. Santa, the elves, Dancer and Prancer and the rest of the reindeer and a few Santa Belles. Brrrr….it’s cold, but our Snowman is happy with the weather.
And the season abounds with Tin Soldiers, and Nutcrackers and Toy costumes of every kind. Not to mention “The Nutcracker” and “A Christmas Carol” costumes.
And how do we know all about costumes? We have been in business for 149 years (since 1860). Our origin goes back to the James Buchanan presidency (the one before Abraham Lincoln). That’s a long time ago, although none of us are quite that old .
For ALL of your Santa or Christmas Season costume questions, our email address is:
(note that this is not a live link, you’ll need to cut and paste)