Egyptian Cleopatra Halloween Makeup Tutorial

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Halloween Vampire Makeup Tutorial Ideas

So I have a beauty guru channel on youtube and I really want to do a Halloween makeup tutorial but the problem is, I have no idea what to do a tutorial on! I mean I know it will be a halloween one, but I don’t know whether to do a whitch or a fairy or a vampire or a mermaid or just any halloween costume will work!!!!! Please I need ideas and try to be creative I’m not looking for a cat or a banana I want something really cool like an evil queen or enchantrace anything will helpHalloween Makeup

One such tradition would be to wear costumes, intended originally from frightening away the spirits of the departed, today we don costumes to be able to scare other folks. This practice makes Halloween a great time for both older people and for children to put on unusual costumes and do some pretending. While there are several web sites or party shops that might offer you a a ready made Halloween costume, if you would like to certainly be a bit unique and not look just like everyone else, you could try creating your very own original Halloween getup. Even for grown ups this can provide possibilities that are worth investigating.Halloween Makeup

So you want to be a zombie? Somewhere on this site has some very detailed zombie tutorials you can check out and other ideas as well.

Lastly, for a super gory zombie with a ripped mouth tutorial definitely check out Carli’s Gallery It gave me the creeps just reading about it!


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